Today the definition of marketing has totally changed as it was in the past. The evolution of digital marketing brings revolution in the marketing industry. And the most prominent today is e-commerce mobile apps. Mobile phones have become an important part of nearly every person’s life. Also the world is always seeking for new taste. For instance they now want a more seamless and convenient shopping experience. This behaviour brings the marketing through mobile apps to the lead. Now it is hard to imagine that any store in your locality doesn’t have any  e-commerce mobile app.

This idea makes shopping extremely convenient and seamless to the end-customer. But in the meantime it also gives a hard time to sellers. Today there are infinite e-commerce mobile apps present. This huge amount makes it difficult for a seller to stand in the competition. 

If you want to develop your own competitive e-commerce mobile app and start selling stuff. Then you must have the following features in your e-commerce mobile app. These features will help you deliver an excellent experience to the end-customer. 


The login process should be simple and easy. Don’t demand for long and unnecessary information. As most of the people are not willing to share confidential info. The best approach is to provide the opportunity to login through some social media platforms. Like facebook, instagram, Gmail or twitter etc. 

It would then be really easy for customers to make a purchase also they don’t have to fill the form every time.


It is important that you provide easy, common and convenient payment options. Try providing multiple and most common payment options so that the buyer can easily choose according to his will.

In addition to this, try adding different currencies options. As we see that digital currencies are so innate in the market. For instance Bitcoin trading can be so useful if you make this option a part of your mobile apps feature.


Many buyers want to give feedback related to your product. These feedbacks help you advance your product in the right way. Provide features for commenting and also give quick responses to those comments. Users will appreciate that you are sincere to your business and their feedback can shape the future of your app.

Through this customers remain engaged with your brand and also find themselves feeling comfortable while making purchases.


Most of the mobile apps provide multiple products. Customer finds it hard to search for his relevant product. Try to make categories, sub categories and and set-up the products according to their brands as well. These settings will help the customer find their relevant product more easily. 

As you categorize each product the layout of your app will become more detailed and furnished. 

The customer can do smart searches and can have his product easily.


This feature will definitely increase your selling output. Push notification helps to engage the customer through alerting them or reminding them about the offers, discounts and new arrival etc. In this way the customer remains engaged and will definitely come back to you.

Push notifications also remind them about the list they leave in their carts. These notifications push the customer to make orders, not to just leave them alone.


As customers are excited to receive their product. You should notify them about the dispatch and delivery of the product. Never blindfold the customer about the product receiving process.

Try to add a tracking feature in your app. The most likely tracking gateways are leopard, DHL, and FedEx etc.


When you provide customers with a loyalty program, it would be a successful move to turn your customer back. They will become loyal to your brand. You have to provide discounts, offers and many more things to engage new customers and retain the existing customer.


When you provide a detailed description to your product. There is a chance that this act will become unnecessary. The customer is not gonna read that long paragraph. However, customers are also not interested in detailed pictures. You should provide all the necessary descriptions. For instance size, weight, material, warranty etc.


This is one of the most important features of mobile apps. Most customers do make their list of purchases. Shopping cart provides the customers to add products in the shopping cart. Adding products is temporary. Customers can make orders whenever he wants to Without again making that list again.


Remember customers not only make purchases. They also want to feel satisfied having a great user experience. For this purpose try to have unique features and design that attract the customer’s attention and make him feel delightful.


To choose which features should our business have. This is something hard to think about. You should always prioritize features. You don’t have to add all features at once. Try starting with a basic idea and then proceed and add new features according to the way your business is headed. You will achieve this goal with the help of customer’s feedback and your own personal experience. Not always go for the latest features but prefer those who suit your business well.